Research Based Readers' Advisory
Jessica E. Moyer
ALA Editions, 2008
Booklist, April 2008
There is perhaps no better indicator that readers’ advisory has come into its own as a field of inquiry than a book devoted to research on the topic. But this book is more than an academic exercise, since it combines research and best practices. Following a survey of the current state of RA, 11 chapters cover topics such as “Nonfiction Readers and Nonfiction Advisory,” “Romance and Genre Readers,” and “Tools for Readers’ Advisory.” Each chapter begins with a “Research View,” in which Moyer summarizes the latest literature. Following the “Research View” is a “Librarian’s View,” in which an impressive array of contributors talk about practical applications. For example, in chapter 5, “Children and Young Adult Readers and Readers’ Advisory,” Moyer analyze nine books, articles, and other materials; then Amanda Blau and Heather Booth—both at Downers Grove (Illinois) Public Library—write at length about current challenges and trends. The roster of contributing authors, among them Joyce Saricks, Katie Mediatore Stover, and Barry Trott, reads like a who’s who of RA experts. In a single volume, students and practitioners can now more easily access the most significant RA literature and also benefit from the wisdom of RA’s pioneers and innovators.
American Reference Books Annual, 2008
As the number of reference questions in libraries has decreased, the role of readers' advisory has increased. Further, as readers' advisory has become more important the service has expanded. This guidebook discusses examples of readers' advisory changes based on research research, serves as an accessible resource for reviewing everyday interactions with readers, and discusses bookgroups and other readers' advisory related topics along with collection development and management. This title would be useful to librarians working in a readers' advisory position everday as well as for students learning the ins and outs of readers' advisory services. Jessica Moyer has created an indispensable tool for librarians. All libraries should purchase a copy of this work.
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Alumni Magazine, 2009. "New and Recommended Books"
Among the recent spate of books on readers' advisory this volume stands out. Jessica Moyer pairs reviews of the research literature with essays by working librarians. The chapters cover many topics: adult readers, nonfiction, audiovisual materials, children and young adults, books groups, romance and genre readers, th ereaders' advisory interview, professional tools, cataloging and collection development. Joan Bessman Taylor contributes the research review on book groups, all the others are written by Moyer who possesses a commanding overview of the field. Each "Librarian's View" is written by a different public librarians. Among the contributors are GSLIS adjunct faculty Mary Wilkes Towner and several more GSLIS alumnae.
GoodReads has several more reviews
Table of Contents and Associated Publications and Presentations
Moyer, Jessica E. "Research Based Readers' Advisory." Professional Development Workshop, Metropolitan Library System. April 20, 2010 Chicago, Illinois.
Handouts TeenRAHandout.doc ListentoabookApril15.doc AudiobooksBibApril15.doc
Slides (powerpoint file)
Chapter 1: Readers' Advisory Services: The State of the Practice by Joyce Saricks and Barry Trott
Chapter 2: Adult Readers by Jessica E. Moyer and Jane Jorgenson
Moyer, Jessica E. "Learning from Leisure Reading: A Study of Adult Public Library Patrons" Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol 46, no 4.
Moyer, Jessica E. “Adult Fiction Reading: A Literature Review of Readers' Advisory Services, Adult Fiction Librarianship and Fiction Readers” Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol 43, no 4.
Moyer, Jessica E. “Learning From Leisure Reading: A Study of Adult Public Library Patrons.” Presentation, Library Research Roundtable, 4 Star Research Forum. American Library Association Annual Conference, June 26, 2005, Chicago, Illinois.
Chapter 3: Nonfiction readers and nonfiction advisory by Jessica E. Moyer and Sarah Statz Cords
Chapter 4: Audiovisual Advisory by Jessica E. Moyer and Kaite Mediatore Stover
Moyer, Jessica E. “Audiobooks, Libraries and iPods: Comments and a Call to Action.” Readers’ Advisor News, Libraries Unlimited. October 2006. Available online at:
Moyer, Jessica E., Kelly Fann, David Perotta and Kaite Mediatore Stover. "Pre-Conference: Listening to the Future of Reading: Readers' Advisory and Audiobooks." Kansas Library Association and Mountain Plains Library Association 2009 Annual Conference. April 1, 2009, Wichita, Kansas.
Moyer, Jessica. "Audiobooks." Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians 2009 Annual Conference. May 8, 2009, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
Chapter 5: Children and Young Adult Readers and Readers' Advisory by Jessica E. Moyer, Amanda Blau and Heather Booth
Jessica E. Moyer and Michael Cox. Research Based Readers' Advisory for Teens. 2008 YALSA Symposium.
Chapter 6: Book Groups by Joan Bessman and Andrew Smith
Taylor, Joan Bessman. "Good for what? Nonappeal, Discussability and Bookgroups" Part 1 and Part 2, Reference and User Services Quarterly, Vol. 46, no 4. and Vol. 47, no. 1.
Chapter 7: Romance and Genre Readers by Jessica E. Moyer and Katie Dunneback
Chapter 8: Readers' Advisory Interview by Jessica E. Moyer and David Wright
Chapter 9: Tools for Readers' Advisors by Jessica E. Moyer and Mary Wilkes Towner
Moyer, Jessica E. “Electronic Tools for Readers’ Advisors.” Booklist. July 1, 2008.
Chapter 10: Cataloging, Classification, and Browsing by Jessica E. Moyer and Nanette Wargo Donohue
Moyer, Jessica E. “Bringing Research Into Readers’ Advisory Practice: the Case of Fiction Classification.” Readers’ Advisor News, Libraries Unlimited. March 2006. Available online at:
Chapter 11: Collection Development and Collection Management by Jessica E. Moyer and Cynthia Orr
Chapter 12: The Future of Readers' Advisory by Neil Hollands and Jessica E. Moyer
Neil Hollands and Jessica E. Moyer. “It’s not just about books anymore…. The Future of Readers’ Advisory.” Table Talk, March 27th, 2008. Public Library Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Hollands, Neil. "Back to the Future? A Response to Dilevko and McGowan." Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 2.
Related Works
Moyer, Jessica E. Quick Guide to Learning About Readers' Advisory. March 22, 2009.
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